Top Tips To Achieve Good University Grades
“Nurturing New Generational Begginigs”
By Natukwasa Lindon
Copyright 2015 Natukwasa Lindon
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When you remain committed to the transformation process, you will begin to see changes take place (Romans 12:2). Say it with me, “Good things are about to happen for us”.
“There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge: observation, reflection and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the result of that combination”. Diderot (French Philosopher)
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Table of Contents
About the Author
About Master Mids Power Seminars
Top Tips To Achieve Good Grades at University
About the Author Back to the Top
Natukwasa Lindon
Founder and Director: Master Minds Power Seminars Uganda, International Inc. (MMPSUG, INT’L Inc.)
He is a motivational Speaker, life and organizational coach, Entrepreneur, author, dedicated to facilitate and fuel up excellent performance from individual level, organizational level, and global level. He has managed to successfully facilitate POWER SEMINARS in Makerere University and outside in the field.
About Master Minds Power Seminars Uganda, International Inc.
This is a Non-Governmental Christian Organization with a goal to change lives, fight poverty and unemployment through Coaching, Training, Consultancy, Motivational Speaking, Seminars and Workshops. We target individuals from various fields of life in churches, schools, companies, private and public institutions, communities.
Dedication Back to the Top
I dedicate this book to My Dad Hon.Ndyajunwa Sam and My Mummy Ms. Enid Busingye. Your presence and support in my Life has facilitated my fulfillment of God’s Work in his Kingdom. God Bless you abundantly.
Top Tips to Achieve Good University Grades.
It all comes down to getting those grades, doesn’t it? After all you came to the University for a Reason and you need to pass grades to get the credits or a degree you want. Many of us never did much studying in high school; most of the learning we did took place in the classroom college, however, a lot is different. You are really on your own when it comes to passing courses. In fact, sometimes you will feel as if nobody cares if you make it or not. Therefore, you have got to figure out a study system that gets results. Sooner or later, you will be alone with those books. After that, you will be sitting in a classroom with an exam sheet on your desk. Whether you stare at the exam with a queasy stomach, or whip through it fairly confidently, depends on your study techniques. Most of the successful students I talked to agreed that the following 10 study tips deliver solid results.
Take the college skills course if you need it. Do not hesitate or feel embarrassed about enrolling in a study skills course. Many students say they would not have made it without one. You are advised to check out Power Seminars Student Academic Coaching Program, we help you succeed. Just E-mail us your academic challenges and what you need, your contacts, we give you feed back soon.
Take a break when you are tired. It is alright to let up for a bit when you have had enough. You should try to make it through at least an hour, though. Ten minutes here and there are useless. When your head starts to pound and your eyes develop spidery red lines just quit. Rest for a bit with short nap and go later.
Review after you have read and taken notes. Some people swear that talking to yourself works. Tell yourself about the most important points in the chapter. Once you have said them out loud, they seem to stick better in your mind. If you cannot talk to yourself about the material after reading it that is sure a sign you do not really know it. I remember in my last year in highschool; that is Namiremebe Hillside High School in Gayaza Wakiso District, I used to take the first 20 minutes lying on my bed after prep time summarizing whatever I have read for the past four hours in my mind, this contributed a lot to my academic excellence at Advanced level (A-Level).
Take notes on what you are studying. This sounds lik a hassle, but it works. Go back over the material after you have read it, and jot down key words and phrases in the margins. When you review the chapter for a test, you will have handy tittle things like “definition of rationalization” or “example of regression” in the margins, if the material is especially tough, organize a separate sheet of notes. Write down definitions, examples, lists and main ideas. The idea is to have a single sheet or two that boil the entire chapter down to digestible lump.
Skim the textbook first. Lots of students sit-down with an assignment like “read chapter 5, pages 125-50” and do just that. They turn to page 125 and start to read. After a while, they find that they have no idea what they just read. For the last ten minutes they have been thinking about their five year old or what they are going to eat for dinner. Eventually, they plod through all pages but do not remember much afterward.
In order to prevent this problem, skim the textbook chapter first. This means the following: look at at the title, the subtitles, headings, the pictures and the first and last paragraphs. Try to find out what the person who wrote the book had in mind when he or she organized the chapter. What was important enough to set off as the tittle or in bold type? After skimming, you should be able to explain to yourself what the main topics of the chapter are and even some of the main points. Unless you are the kind of person who would step into an empty elevator shaft without looking first, you will soon discover the value of skimming.
Give yourself rewards. If you sweat out a block of study time, and do a good job on it, treat yourself. You deserve it. You can “psych” yourself up for studying by promising to reward yourself afterward. A present for yourself can be anything from a favorite TV show to a relaxing bath to a dish of double chocolate ice cream. For me I love driving games, I always reward myself with Euro Truck Simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator and Gospel music and sermons from my favorites like Joel Osteen, Les Brown, and Dr.David Jeremiah of the Turning Point mention them.
Get into a study frame of mind. When you sit down, do it with the attitude that you are really going to get this studying done. You are not going to doodle on your notebook or make a list for the super market. Decide that you are going to study and learn now, so that you can move on to more interesting things as soon as possible.
Set up a study place. Those students you see “studying” in the cafeteria or game room are not learning much. You just cannot learn wh
en you are distracted by people and noise. Even the library can be a bad place to study if you find yourself watching clouds outside or or students walking through the stacks. Looking at “babes”, this applies to gentlemen since for ladies I do not know, I know it takes guts to sit alone, in a quiet place in order to study. But you have to do it. Find a room at home or a spot in the boring. When you sit there, you will not have much to do except study.
Write down and budget for your time. Nothing can be accomplished if you wait for the right mood. I have experienced this most of the times during my college first years even in my office. I used to wake up in the morning with a lot to work on, but soon after breakfast, I could keep concentrating on facebook or other useless things, you must understand and know that it is useless to workout perfectly those things that are not supposed to be done at a right time in the right place. Switch off the phones and computers if possible to avoid texting and receiving calls. Those have all night and the weekend. “Time is money, if you cannot manage time you will never manage money.” So, write down the things to accomplish during the day corresponding with time and respect it, handle one by one